Wednesday, May 29, 2013

To Planetary Civilization

According to Dr. Kaku, the creation of a planetary civilization (global civilization) is the greatest transition in human history.

As we are in the middle of this transition, the people living today are the most important of 5000 generations of humans that emerged 100,000 years go.

Physicists rank human civilizations by consumed energies. First, during stone/hunting age is only 1/5 horsepower; second during agriculture age is horsepower; Third by Industrial revolution, hundreds horsepower by steam engines; Forth current Information age, huge power.


In 1964, Russian astrophysicist Kardashev defined three levels of civilizations, based on the amount of energy consumed: Type I = all energy attained on the planet Earth; Type II = all energy radiated by the Sun; Type III  = all energy of our entire Galaxy. According to this ranking, our current civilization is not planetary (still Type Zero) but in the process of transition to Type I civilization.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Fascinated by Science

Fascinated by Science

Recently, I am taking a keen interest in science, inspired by the books written by Dr. Michio Kaku, a very popular physicist. 
 His book, “Physics of the Impossible” is one of the best sellers among science books and a series of TV programs, “Sci-Fi – Physics of the Impossible”, which is based upon this book, are still available on demand in Amazon.
In 2011, he published “Physics of the Future,” forecasting how science will advance and change the world during 21st century.
 I have also finished reading his “Parallel World” published in 2006, which explains the universe as seen from the physical science and in such a way that the layman like me can understand. I am now writing the summery of this book in our family’s private web page, as I have done in the other two books mentioned before.